​《一千零一币》新加坡 BCI 基金会 Gary:安详,便捷,热钱包尚有什么增值空间?

GM Wallet is completely decentralized and operates in a safe, trusted, and free environment. By contributing computing power to GM Wallet, users can obtain a certain amount of GMT returns. GMTs has high liquidity and can be used for investment, consumption, transfer of money, and so on.

3. GM Wallet的团队


GMW is a globally integrated blockchain wallet that helps you earn launched by the BCI Foundation in Singapore

the development plan for the GM Wallet

Currently, I will be staying in China and I will lead my teams to open up the Chinese market.


How does GMW compete with so many wallets on the market right now?

4. 项目希望如何?

This mobile wallet reduces all blockchain costs and inefficiencies, providing the most convenient mining route, the safest payment method and the smoothest trading experience for all investors. These attributes are very rare and precious among blockchain projects.

某知名区块链产物司理在体验完我们的钱包后,曾说过这样一段话“颠末不绝打磨后的 GM Wallet,不管是贸易模式的设计,照旧产物框架的搭建,都显得相当专业与用心”。

GM Wallet完全去中心化,在一个安详、公信、自由的情况下运行。用户通过为GM Wallet孝敬运算本领,而得到必然数量的GMT回报。GMT是高效畅通的通证,可以举办投资、消费、转账等。


整个团队很是有履历,从最初的观念雏形到如今的全网上线,2 年零3个月,团队已经连续宣布了 16 个迭代版本。这在所有的区块链团队中长短常少见的,许多项目自从宣布之后,根基上半年都不会更新一次。真正干事的团队,通过产物就能浮现出来。

2. GMW如何与市场的钱包竞争的?

What is the GM Wallet?

GM Wallet通过区块链技能,提供具有遍及吸引力的挖矿收益模式,通过便捷的操纵,以崭新的方法改变人们对区块链的认知,GMW将不绝深入金融、旅游、商业、购物、投资、付出等规模,以发挥其最大的代价,实现线上线下的完美团结,真正助力区块链行业的落地。当前区块链的圈子很是小众,无信仰者其实充满各处。区块链项目想要赢得下一个节点的繁荣,必需得靠产物征服无信仰者这类群体。对付GMW的成长前景,我们布满信心。

The design of the entire business model of GMW alone took more than half a year. It is not simply a wallet, it is a value adding wallet which is a combination of mining, consumption, transfer, wealth management functions. There is no doubt that the impact of this wallet to the industry is huge!

The entire team is very experienced,from the original concept to today's wallet which is now all online. On the course of 2 years and 3 months, the team has already released 16 iterative versions. This is very rare in many blockchain teams since many projects have not been updated for almost half a year since they were released. The real effort of the team can be reflected through the product.

Although GM Wallet is still in its infancy, this month's performance exceeded our expectations. We didn't expect to have so many people registered, there were so many active users, and we received consistent praise. We believe there will be a healthy growth and this year we are hoping to reach 5 million registered users.

GMW 是由新加坡 BCI 基金会推出的一款全球一体化区块链增值钱包

a brief introduction to GM Wallet's team

各人好,我是 Gary,新加坡 BCI 基金会的亚太区商务总监,很兴奋与各人再次晤面



5. GM Wallet的成长筹划

1. GM Wallet是一款奈何的钱包?

GM Wallet provides a wide-ranging mining revenue model through its blockchain technology. With our easy to use design, it can change people's perception of blockchain in a new way. GMW will continue to deepen its finance, tourism, trade, shopping, investment, payment and many other fields. This is in order to offer the wallet’s greatest value and to achieve the perfect combination of online and offline usage to really help the blockchain industry. The current blockchain circle is very small with many people who do not believe in the technology. Blockchain projects that want to come out on top must rely on products that can conquer groups such as these non-believers. We are full of confidence in the development prospects of GMW.


