
3月1日15:00,ZBG热点对话栏目特邀Alina,连系首创工钱社区带来:《Idavoll?Network | 波卡生态DAO基本设施》的深度对话。以下为本期AMA直播实录:


ZBG小火星::?Good afternoon everyone, I amZBG小火星, serving as the host of this ZBG Dialogue column.


ZBG小火星:: The decentralized autonomous organization DAO was born in 2016 and has been off the radar for a long time due to its over-the-top concept. However, the development and experimentation in this area has never stopped; the trend of DAO support is becoming more and more obvious in 2019; the success of Aragon in 2020 ignites the unprecedented potential of DAO, and the DAO track will welcome more and more institutions and users to join.


ZBG小火星:Today we will talk to Idavoll Network, the Polkadot?Ecosystem-DAO project known as "Polkadot?Aragon" in the industry, and how it is driving the DAO track. In?short, let's welcome Idavoll Network co-founder - Alina!

Idavoll Network: Bringing Back Decentralization to the DAO on Polkadot Ecosystem

1 Hi , could you please give a brief introduction of yourself.

Hello everyone, my name is Alina. I have once worked as a top-tier strategy consulting at McKinsey, Zurich. In blockchain, I?built UniDAO - An Asset Management DAO on Aragon platform, also the first DAO for DeFi management. Afterwards, I ?joined Equilibrium to start?my?Polkadot Ecosystem career. In 2020, i?founded Idavoll Network to bring the ideas of DAO into Polkadot ecosystem.


各人好,我叫Alina。我曾经在苏黎世麦肯锡接受顶级计谋咨询。在区块链规模,我在阿拉贡平台上成立了UniDAO--一个资产打点DAO,也是第一个DeFi打点的DAO。之后,我插手了Equilibrium,,开始了我的Polkadot生态生涯。2020年,我创建了Idavoll Network,并将DAO的理念带入了Polkadot生态。

2 ?Why is the project named Idavoll?

Well, there is a reason why Idavoll is named after a magical valley, which Scandinavian gods used to take meetings and sign deals (probably). It is the first and only cross-chain DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) protocol, where different blockchain ecosystems composed of users, tokens and dApps (decentralized applications) can meet and interact with each. Idavoll solves the problem of interoperabiltiy and also provides the framework for real-life organizations on the blockchain to solve disputes and act as governing bodies.



3 what is the essence of Idavoll DAO?

This is the essence of Idavoll DAO enabling its members to set up resource allocation rules, build consensus and voting mechanisms, etc., all organized with a unified smart contracts logic. As ancient gods used to divide their responsibilities to better rule the universe, organizations working on Idavoll protocol (companies, open source projects, NGOs, foundations, hedge funds…) will be able to delegate decisions to its members, control their activities and rule our disputes, while staying completely on the decentralized chain. It’s a self-sufficient universe, where each organization can renew itself and maintain its identity forever.

3Idavoll DAO的本质是什么?

这是Idavoll DAO的精华,使其成员可以或许成立资源分派法则,成立共鸣和投票机制等,所有这些都用统一的智能合约逻辑来协调组织。就像古代神明为了更好地统治宇宙而举办明晰分工一样,在Idavoll协议上事情的组织(公司、开源项目、NGO、基金会、对冲基金......)将可以或许将决定权下放给它的成员,指导他们的勾当,办理我们的纠纷,同时完全生存在去中心化的链上。这是一个自给自足的世界,每个组织都可以自我更新,永远保持本身的身份。

4 What is Idavoll Network?
