OKEx Chain 官方将开展项目连系公测勾当,我们有幸成为个中一员。现邀请用户参加我们的测试网产物测试,完成以下测试步调后,,您将有时机入选我们的白名单。
2. 进入PandaSwap生意业务所:https://pandaex.org/ 并完成以下任务:
3. 填写反馈表格:https://wj.qq.com/s2/8166798/afb9/
OKEx Chain will officially launch a joint public test of some projects, and we are honored to be one of them. Users are now invited to participate in our product testing on testnet. After completing the following testing steps, you will have the opportunity to be included in our whitelist.
To apply for test tokens, fill in the form : https://wj.qq.com/s2/8166724/75fa/ (Chinese)
2. Enter the PandaSwap exchange: https://pandaex.org/ and complete the following tasks:
Use the test token OKT issued by us to trade a token with random volume;
Add liquidity to the tokens you buy;
Make another trade transaction;
Remove half of the liquidity you added earlier.
3. Fill in the feedback form: https://forms.gle/TbSR5cUZ6JzC7SgR7