全球引用最高 10 篇区块链论文,中山大学占 2 篇

[6] Zibin Zheng, Shaoan Xie, Hongning Dai, Xiangping Chen, and Huaimin Wang. “An overview of blockchain technology: Architecture, consensus, and future trends.” In 2017 IEEE international congress on big data (BigData congress), pp. 557-564. IEEE, 2017. (引用量 938)
个中,论文 “An Overview of Blockchain Technology: Architecture, Consensus, and Future Trends” 颁发于 2017 年,当前引用量到达 938,排名第 6 位,得到 2018 年度全球区块链 Top50 Influential Papers;

区块律动 BlockBeats 提醒,按照银保监会等五部分于 2018 年 8 月宣布《关于防御以「」「区块链」名义举办犯科集资的风险提示》的文件,请宽大公家理性对待区块链,不要盲目相信口不择言的理睬,树立正确的钱币见识和投资理念,切实提高风险意识;对发明的违法犯法线索,可努力向有关部分举报反应。    

[9] Zibin Zheng, Shaoan Xie, Hong-Ning Dai, Xiangping Chen, and Huaimin Wang. “Blockchain challenges and opportunities: A survey.” International Journal of Web and Grid Services 14, no. 4 (2018): 352-375. (引用量 722)
附全球谷歌学术引用量排名前 10 的区块链论文列表:

区块链论文 资讯速览

律动 BlockBeats 动静,据中山大学 InPlusLab(与智能金融研究中心)通告,按照 blockchain 要害词在谷歌学术上搜索,全球引用量排名前 10 的论文列表中,论文第一单元来自中国的仅有两篇,,均来自中山大学 InPlusLab(排名第 6 和第 9 位)。这两篇论文全面归纳综合了区块链技能的成长近况、将来挑战和成长趋势。
[7] Crosby, Michael, et al. “Blockchain technology: Beyond bitcoin.” Applied Innovation 2.6-10 (2016): 71. (引用量 857)
[10] Eyal, Ittay, et al. “Bitcoin-ng: A scalable blockchain protocol.” 13th USENIX symposium on networked systems design and implementation (NSDI 16). 2016. (引用量 711)
[3] Zyskind, Guy, and Oz Nathan. “Decentralizing privacy: Using blockchain to protect personal data.” 2015 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops. IEEE, 2015. (引用量 1138)
[8] Yli-Huumo, Jesse, et al. “Where is current research on blockchain technology?—a systematic review.” PloS one 11.10 (2016): e0163477. (引用量 847)
论文 “Blockchain Challenges and Opportunities: A Survey” 颁发于 2018 年,当前引用量到达 722,排名第 9 位,入选 ESI 高被引论文。
[2] Tapscott, Don, and Alex Tapscott. Blockchain revolution: how the technology behind bitcoin is changing money, business, and the world. Penguin, 2016. (引用量 1265)

[4] Kosba, Ahmed, et al. “Hawk: The blockchain model of cryptography and privacy-preserving smart contracts.” 2016 IEEE symposium on security and privacy (SP). IEEE, 2016. (引用量 1099)
[1] Swan, Melanie. Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy. ” O’Reilly Media, Inc.”, 2015. (引用量 2380)
[5]Iansiti, Marco, and Karim R. Lakhani. “Do Not Copy or Post.” (2017). {Iansiti, Marco, and Karim R. Lakhani. “The truth about blockchain.” Harvard Business Review 95.1 (2017): 118-127. } (引用量 985)

