区块链经济论坛将于 6 月 16 日至 19 日在旧金山进行

Eva A. Kaili, Member of the European Parliament

Joe Oliver, Finance minister of Canada (2013-2015)

CFTC 主席 Gary Gensler (2009-2014)

欧洲议集会会议员 Eva A. Kaili

在 150 多位确认讲话者中:

Tim Draper, Founder, DFJ Fund

Bobby Lee,比特币基金会董事会

Bobby Lee, Bitcoin Foundation, Board

Blockchain can be considered the most disruptive technology since the invention of the internet. LATOKEN, a crypto exchange and multi-asset tokenization platform, is proud to announce its third event dedicated to bridging blockchain with the global economy: Blockchain Economic Forum (BEF).

BEF 新加坡站和纽约站吸引了 1600 多位投资者,企业家,政治家,决定者和意见首脑,如 Vicente Fox (墨西哥前总统),Reese Jones (奇点大学),Jean Claude Donato (Nikaia Ventures),Miko Matsumura (比特币投资公司),Daniel Heller (前 IMF),Hanna Halaburda (加拿大银行,纽约大学),Toni Lane Casserly (Cointelegraph)和 Nicholas Merten (DataDash,285k + YouTube 用户)。参加 BEF 新加坡和纽约的公司筹集了 4 亿多美元。打点资产达 250 亿美元的基金插手了 BEF:IVP (约合 70 亿美元),DFJ (约合 50 亿美元),Menlo Ventures (约合 50 亿美元),GGV Capital (约合 40 亿美元),General Catalyst (C ,安德拉成本(约 10 亿美元)以及其他 100 多家基金,家属办公室和富饶人士。约莫 2000 多名参加者受邀亲自邀请,以确保优质的网络和投资干系。基于这些勾当的乐成,LATOKEN 很兴奋在 2018 年 6 月 16 日至 19 日在旧金山主办 BEF。

Among 150+ confirmed speakers:

BEF SF is a four-day event that is expected to be attended by over 2,000 participants, including many leaders from the world of technology, business, media and politics. The forum will host over 40 inspiring discussions on blockchain opportunities for strategic development of real sector companies, industry regulation, technology updates, as well as marketing and PR for blockchain and crypto startups. A hallmark of BEF: 3 exceptional networking parties and reception.

Gary Gensler, Chairman CFTC (2009-2014)

自互联网发现以来,,区块链被认为是最具开创性的技能。 LATOKEN 是一个加密钱币生意业务和打点平台,很孤高地公布其第三个致力于与全球经济区块链跟尾的勾当:区块链经济论坛(BEF)。

and our special guest, the latest and most advanced robot to date and a cultural icon, who is about to make an announcement for the humanity.

BEF SF 是为期四天的勾当,估量将有 2,000 多名与会者介入,个中包罗来自技能,贸易,媒体和政治规模的很多率领人。论坛将举行高出 40 场有关区块链机会的冲感人心的接头会,接头实体公司的计谋成长,行业禁锢,技能更新以及区块链和加密创业公司的营销和公关。

BEF Singapore and New York attracted over 1,600 investors, entrepreneurs, politicians, decision-makers, and opinion leaders, such as Vicente Fox (former president of Mexico), Reese Jones (Singularity University), Jean Claude Donato (Nikaia Ventures), Miko Matsumura (Evercoin), Peter Bergstrom (BitBlock Ventures), Daniel Heller (ex-IMF), Hanna Halaburda (Bank of Canada, NYU), Toni Lane Casserly (Cointelegraph), and Nicholas Merten (DataDash, 285k+ YouTube subscribers). $400+ million was raised by companies who participated at BEF Singapore and New York. Funds with $25+ billion of assets under management joined BEF: IVP (c.$7bn), DFJ (c.$5bn), Menlo Ventures (c.$5bn), GGV Capital (c.$4bn), General Catalyst (c.$1.4bn), Andra Capital (c.$1bn) with 100+ other funds, family offices and HNWI. Most of 2,000+ participants are invited personally to ensure superior quality of networking and investment relations.Building on the success of these events, LATOKEN is delighted to host BEF in San Francisco on June 16-19, 2018.


DFJ 基金首创人 Tim Draper

加拿大财务部长 Joe Oliver (2013-2015)


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