
感激各人存眷我们最新一期的AMA,本期Sunny邀请到了波卡生态项目Umbrella的首创人Sam Kim,接待Sam!

Thank you for your Following to our latest AMA.

In this AMA, Sunny has invited Sam Kim, the founder of the Umbrella---Polkadot ecosystem project.

Welcome Sam!


Umbrella Network是第一个具有现代DeFi应用措施所需的局限和安详性的去中心化Oracle处事。是一个Polkadot 构建的一个真正去中心化、可扩展的、社区管理化的预言机。可以安详、便宜、大局限地在链上带来范畴广以及多样化的现实世界的数据组合,以辅佐进一步促进 DeFi 生态系统内的增长和创新。

About Umbrella:

Umbrella is the first decentralized oracle service with the scale and security modern DeFi applications require.

Umbrella is a truly decentralized, scalable, and community-governed oracle built on Polkadot. Umbrella can safely, cheaply, and large-scale bring a wide range and diverse real-world data combination on the chain. To help further promote growth and innovation within the DeFi ecosystem.


1) 高朋答复预先收集好的问题;

2) 高朋在线及时答复社区的自由提问。


This AMA combines of two parts, in the first part, our guest will answer the pre-collected question, and in the second part is free questioning, audience can ask their own questions. Please be a good listener in the first part and actively participate in the second part.

被选中的提问将得到Umbrella token空投嘉奖,但愿各人踊跃参加。

The selected questions will receive Umbrella token airdrop rewards, and we hope everyone will participate actively.


Welcome again @Sam ,Okay, let's start.


可以从您的角度,先给我们社区的小同伴简朴先容一下 Umbrella 这个项目吗?它的愿景和使命是什么?

Question 1:

Can you have a brief introduction about Umbrella? What is its vision and mission?

Umbrella Network has two primary missions. First, Umbrella wants to decentralize ownership of the oracle we’re building. We believe an oracle is a critical piece of infrastructure for decentralized applications. And so, we think it’s crucial that ownership and control is not held by a single person or small group of executives. And that’s why we’re determined to put the power into the hands of our community.

The second goal is to drive the cost of on chain data to as close to $0.00 as possible. We believe only once data is incredibly cheap will we have a thriving decentralized world. With our technology, we believe we have a massive cost advantage over the competition. And so we will make the most commonly used data available for free. And to support continued innovation by startups and smaller enterprises, we’ll offer free data tier.

Umbrella Network 有两个主要任务。 首先,Umbrella但愿将我们正在成立的Oracle的管理权下放。 我们认为,oracle是分手应用措施的要害基本架构。 因此,我们认为至关重要的是,所有权和节制权不能由一小我私家或一小撮高管人员把握。 这就是为什么我们刻意将权力移交给社区的原因。

第二个方针是使链上数据的本钱尽大概靠近$ 0.00。 我们相信,只有数据自制到令人难以置信的水平,我们才气拥有发达成长的去中心化世界。 凭借我们的技能,我们相信我们在竞争中拥有庞大的本钱优势。 因此,我们将免费提供最常用的数据。 为了支持初创企业和小型企业的一连创新,我们将提供免费的数据层。



Question 2:

Why did you choose Polkadot?

I’d like to talk about why we chose both Polkastarter for our IDO and have plans to build on Polkadot. Because I think they are very closely related.

The Polkastarter community has the potential to rival those of YEarn and other leaders in the space. The community of crypto enthusiasts are unparalleled if you ask me. The quality of the projects that are launching here is superior to any other launchpad we’ve seen in the market. Just look at the list: from YOP Finance, Bridge Mutual, MahaDAO, etc, etc. These projects are the future of DeFi. So how could I turn down an opportunity to join and sit in a room with them.

And of course, the focus on Polkadot. While we’re built on Ethereum currently, we have every intention of moving over to Polkadot in short order. The advantages there are just too obvious. From the low transaction costs to the interoperability and the ability to launch and message across parachains. These are all incredible enablers of blockchain applications.

And I believe the Polkastarter community and its ecosystem of projects are really what’s going to drive Polkadot to realize its full potential. And Umbrella Network looks forward to providing the underlying oracle infrastructure for this amazing group.

