


JulSwap不只是一个DEX协议,它照旧一个自动化的活动性协议,具有抵押池和基于PananceSwap的Binance Smart Chain构建的Launch Pad。


JustLiquidity 是一个活动性协议,其机制是通过在智能合约中拟定代币活动性释放打算和单挖机制来掩护持币者免受低活动性和团队跑路的影响。JustLiquidity 运营着币安智能链上的自动做市商 JulSwap。


Judy:Could you please introduce yourself - Your Position and your Background, and why you are in the Crypto and Blockchain Space?


Tobias Graf:My Name is Tobias Graf, i am 31 years young :-), i am the founder of JustLiquidity and JulSwap. Before i made my first crypto purchase in 2017 which was Ripple i was self employed as a Finance and Insurance Broker in Germany. In 2016 we generated around 25% from the whole AXA Health Insurance Production in Germany. But as i saw the Fascination and Chances in the Crypto Market, i couldn't stop from working on it. Its needed a few years until we reached a community like we have now, but i love to work in this space. We are still early in my opinion Crypto is now Amazon in the year 2000.

hi~各人好,我的名字叫Tobias Graf,31岁,此刻是JustLiquidity和JulSwap的首创人。2017年我首次购置ripple并打仗到加密钱币这个规模,此前我是德国的一名金融和保险经纪人。2016年,我们从德国整个AXA康健保险出产中得到了约25%的收入。可是当我看到加密市场中如此诱人的时机时我无法廉价的插手到这个行业中来,并致力于尽力敦促他的成长。打造一个此刻我们拥有的乐成社区确实需要耗时几年的尽力,可是在这个进程中我们致力于尽力为其奉献。此刻的我们还处在很是早期的时代,如今的加密行业才发到2000年的amazon的程度,将来尚有许多的路要走。

Judy:Can you explain a little bit more about what is JulSwap?


Tobias Graf:JulSwap is not just a DEX protocol, but it is an automated liquidity protocol with staking pools and Launch Pad built on the Binance Smart Chain similar to PancakeSwap. But our intension is not just to provide a fork from a project, our intention is to build something greater on already existing technologies. We added to JulSwap our own interface with limit orders and Tradingcharts which is still in beta version and will be improved step by step which you can watch here? Until now, decentralized Trading has not been very easy for all people, as they like to use a centralized Exchange but we like to make it as easy as possible for all our users to get started on Decentralized but Centralized feelings. In the last 30 days our Volume has grown from $1,5 million to $74 million per day on the top. Also the liquidity has grown from 2.7 million to around 62 million $ on the top.

JulSwap不只是一个DEX协议,它照旧一个自动化的活动性协议,具有抵押池和基于PananceSwap的Binance Smart Chain构建的Launch Pad。可是,我们的目标不只仅是从项目中提供辅佐,我们的目标是在现有技能上构建更大的基本。我们在JulSwap中添加了本身的带有限价单和Tradingcharts的界面,该界面仍处于beta版本,并将慢慢举办改造,您可以在此处举办寓目。到今朝为止,对付所有人来说,去中心化生意业务还不是一件容易的事,因为他们喜欢利用会合式生意业务所,但我们但愿使所有用户尽大概容易地开始去中心化但会合化的感受。在已往的30天内,我们的生意业务量从天天的150万美元增长到了7400万美元。活动性也从270万增长到最高的6200万美元。

Judy:What other Product are already available or upcoming in your Project?


Tobias Graf:We have a few more projects and some are still in development. Our Target is it to make the Entry into the Blockchain world for all users as easy as possible.

- JulWallet: We published the JulWallet as a Browser Extension in the last few weeks, where you can find standard integrated Networks like the Binance Smart Chain, Matic Network, Tomo Chain, Ethereum Network and in Progress right now Avalanche Network, Heco Network and Fantom Network. The same Wallet is also already in progress for your iOS and Andoird Mobile Phone which will be released in the upcoming 7-14 days.

- JustLiquidity Virtual and Physical Debit Cards: In the next 4-8 weeks we will release the integration for virtual and physical debit cards in a decentralized manner into our JulWallet Mobile Version. Yes Debit cards are nothing really unique but we give you the option to use Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay with your virtual cards and your crypto is stored decentralized until you make your purchase, so no one get access to your crypto.

