4、秘史-PI NETWORK最近存眷了8月15号上线的betaVOICE,头像真的好丑,哈哈,本色出演,今朝只有得到邀请码才可以登录,可以加小编VX1093628138,备注送梯子,VOICE今朝处于测试阶段,所有代币城市被清空,近期DEADFISH暴雷不绝等这些币坑人很惨,留意本身的判定。DOT转账成果于2020年8月22号00:40举办拆分,留意风险。
The side chain realizes the transfer of a tokens and other book assets in multiple blockchains. A tokens can not only circulate on its main net, but also on other blockchains. In order to make the a public chain more active and become a benchmark, advocates are willing to develop more side chains, such as the EOS, Eth side chain protocol, to strengthen their position.
2、行情解读Side chain protocols allow assets, to move from the main chain to other blockchains, and from other blockchains to the main chain. This is a protocol, a rule, as long as the rules of the game, all existing public chain can become a well-known side chain. So the side chain protocol is the communication protocol between the isolated island assets, we need this external transfer, temporarily let the assets better flow up.
pi的问世足以证明将来会是加密数字钱币的时代,最终有一天纸币或者会被数字钱币而代替,pi此刻照旧红利阶段 每一个矿工挖的派币都是原始股,许多人不妥回事是因为你的认知不足,既然挖了请不要法子机会,这也许是你人生傍边再也无法碰着的项目,固然将来大概会有第二个 第三个pi呈现 你依然无法掌握机缘!所以海外步道者奉告你好好的挖,僵持上主网!
The side chain realizes the transfer of a tokens and other book assets in multiple blockchains. A tokens can not only circulate on its main net, but also on other blockchains. In order to make the a public chain more active and become a benchmark, advocates are willing to develop more side chains, such as the EOS, Eth side chain protocol, to strengthen their position.