EOS 生父自传·中英比较

真正的窃取是等候人们免费出产产物、但却无法通过产物得到应有的回报。这种日益成熟的概念使我与浩瀚 BitShares 的拥趸分道扬镳。



Going forward I hope to leverage the work here with Steem to build markets, insurance, mutural-aid societies, and justice systems that empower our community to disempower government. I believe that properly organized social pressures can be far more powerful than any standing army or government bureaucrat. Through blockchain technology we can organize ourselves and hopefully achieve our liberty.

5. Meditation 冥想


The logical outcome of this belief is that using threats of violence to extort money from others for any purpose is something that is off of the table. This means taxes and everything taxes pays for is off the table. This means war and violent revolution is off the table, but that doesn’t mean I want to sit back and do nothing.

9. The Future 将来

I also learned that my capitalist mindset was too short-sighted. I began to see how building a community around the selfish motives of earning income by charging fees on transactions limited adoption. I learned that “inflation” isn’t theft if it is done to compensate those who bring value. I learned that true theft is expecting people to work for free without getting a share in the product . This maturing perspective caused me to perge from many of people who were originally attracted to BitShares.


这是篇让译者不禁路转粉的文章,不是因为经验,也不是因为代码本领,而是因为 BM 终于发明白本身的使命,找到了 Something bigger than himself。

At this time Bitcoin was having problems with governments shutting down exchanges and/or seizing their bank accounts. I realized that Bitcoin could die if we did not have a decentralized alternative to exchanges. This is when I started BitShares and invented BitUSD - the first trustless cryptocurrency pegged to the dollar.

当我在 2009 年头发明比特币时,我试图设计一个数字钱币,我当即参加了试图推广比特币的事情。

BM 曾在网络论坛上和被中本聪撕过一次,但他没有选择回撕中本聪,而是基于他的代价观、独自一人发现出 ,写出 Bitshare、Steemit 以及 EOS 的骨干代码,在暴力驱动的中心化世界眼前,撕下了它的封面。

I also realized that the demand for life, liberty, and property is very high and anyone who could find a way to provide these things to the market could make a lot of money while making the world a much better place. It was at this point in time that I started looking for non-violent means of rendering violent forms of government powerless.

Around this same time I was also going through a porce. My porce was precipitated as a result of my on-going enlightenment that my ex-wife found to be incompatible with her world view. I was changing and rejecting old beliefs such as my Christian upbringing. The hypocrisy of the church and its widespread support violations of the Silver Rule made associating with that crowd increasingly difficult.


8. Starting Steem 启动 Steem 项目


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