江卓尔:较量 BCH ABC 和 BCH SV 两条链的长度没有意义,应较量两链的累计难度

We will only support Bitcoin ABC during the fork and the price of BCH at Bitstamp will reflect the price of Bitcoin ABC. Initially, we will not support any alternative chains, but will monitor the situation and decide about further courses of action at a later date.

4、矿池算力能在 BTC 和 BCH 之间秒调,不存在「等 ABC 算力走了再进攻」,算力永远在,此刻 ABC 堆大量算力,不是怕进攻不得不堆在那,而是为了得到远高出 SV 链的累计难度 & 正统性。
